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There are 3 major purposes of assessment. Assessment for, of and as learning.


To align Assessment OF Learning WIS Secondary will be using criterion-based assessments. In each subject, four subject-specific criteria leveled to 8 will be used to assess students’ understanding against learning goals and standards of the Australian Curriculum (Grades 6 to 8) or the Cambridge Curriculum (Grades 9 and 10). Each criterion will be assessed at least once in Semester 1 and at least twice by the end of the school year. A single assessment can assess multiple criteria at once, however, a Criterion A - Knowledge and Understanding unit test should be a stand-alone assessment. At the end of Semester 1, an Interim Overall Achievement Level will be given on a 1 to 7 scale (see descriptors at the very bottom of this page). At the end of the school year, a Final Overall Achievement Level will be given to the student based on the most recent - most consistent best fit model reflecting progress for the entire school year.  This is also based on the 1 to 7 scale. Criteria are not averaged.


Below are links to the different subject-specific criteria. Explanations of Assessment FOR, OF and AS Learning can be found under the criteria links.

Grade 6 - 8 Subject Criteria
Sciences Grade 6
Sciences Grade 7 & 8
Social Studies
Art (Grade 6)
Art (Grade 7-8)
MYP Design Grade 6 & 7
MYP Design Grade 8

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