High School Principal & College Counsellor: Maggie Reiff

Windhoek International School (WIS) is an excellent place to complete your secondary school education. WIS is a co-educational school and the only school in Namibia which offers the International Baccalaureate Diploma and the U.S. High School Diploma. Each year, our students go on to attend excellent universities around the world. W
We offer international programmes and with our approach, our prime goal is ‘to develop the full potential of each student in a stimulating environment of academic excellence, cultural diversity and active social responsibility to become internationally-minded independent thinkers.’ (WIS Mission Statement).
When students enter the higher grades in their school career, academic performance becomes increasingly important. We would, however, fail our mission if we solely focus on academic progress. Being an inclusive school, WIS aims to meet all our students where they find themselves in a specific phase of their lives. Students have a homeroom and we take a holistic view of education. For example, our Outdoor Education programme is world class and there are many opportunities for student leadership, creativity, service, and action. In my many years at WIS, I have seen that our graduates and alumni go on to be confident and responsible citizens of the world.
We pride ourselves on being diverse and multicultural. Our students mention this as the biggest strength when asked what they appreciate most in our school. We also value the close relationship our students have with their teachers. This ensures that we are aware of every child’s strengths and challenges and that we can support them as well as possible.
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