Primary Principal: Marcelle van Leenen

Welcome to the Primary at Windhoek International School!
In our journey to fulfill our mission, Windhoek International School thrives on the spirit of inquiry. Together, students, teachers, and parents work together to cultivate the learning mindsets that are crucial to success in a complex world. A sense of community that deepens understanding of different cultures and perspectives, warmth, endeavour, and passion for learning are the things you will find at Windhoek International School.
In Primary School, the wondrous period of life that is childhood is recognised and celebrated, and we lay the foundations for future success in learning and life. Harnessing the joyous energy and inquisitive nature found in students at this age, WIS provides a safe, nurturing and inspiring place of learning guided by the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IBPYP). Starting in the Early Years, children are asked to take the lead in their own learning and develop a belief in themselves as learners that will remain with them for life. Children are nurtured so that their confidence grows alongside their intellect, their empathy in tandem with their skills, and their mind with their body.
Facilitating an inquiry-based program is a dynamic process that requires our dedicated staff to assume the role of learners. For this reason, WIS is referred to as a learning community. Whether you're a parent, student, or prospective colleague, I extend a warm invitation to join us as partners in the pursuit of learning.
Thank you for considering Windhoek International School as a place of growth, discovery, and excellence. I hope you enjoy exploring our website.