Whether a student is using a pencil, a 3D printer, or a generative artificial intelligence chatbot, at WIS we expect students to gain the skills to appropriately use technology to aid their learning. It is used as and when necessary to support a blended approach to learning and allow students to show their thinking. Our Multimedia and Design Learning Spaces facilitate maker activities such as robotics, introduction to circuits, Drone Academy, and 3D Printing. Some of these activities are also done in the classroom.
Device Requirements
As outlined in our WIS Device Policy, our Primary students use school-provided iPads from Early Years through Grade 5.
From the second semester of Grade 5 through Grade 12, students must bring their laptops to school. Please see the WIS Device Policy for minimum specifications.
In Grades 5 through 8, the school encourages the use of Chromebooks due to their cost-effective nature. Students arriving in Grades 7 and 8 may wish to start with purchasing a Macbook, as Macbooks are required in Grades 9 and 10.
As of August 2024, students entering Grades 9 and 10 must use Macbooks. Macbooks are required to run the school’s MYP eAssessment and MYP ePortfolio, as these are externally moderated by the International Baccalaureate at the end of Grade 10. The ePortfolio requires the capture of student reflections and work, and the security features of the eAssessment mean that it is not able to be browser-based.
Many families purchase their Chromebooks through Nanodog.net (mentioning the school’s name for the special order) or by visiting them at Maerua Mall. Alternatively one can purchase a Chromebook outside of Namibia.
Primary teachers utilise Seesaw to communicate assignments.
Secondary teachers utilise ManageBac to communicate attendance and assignments with parents and students.
The WIS Parent Network communicates by email, and primarily by WhatsApp.
Smartphone Policy
Students in Grades 10 and under - In response to evolving educational research about the negative impact of social media and smartphone use, WIS has a policy that students in these grade levels must leave their phones at home. Smartphones seen on campus will be confiscated from the student and returned only to the parent/guardian. If students require bringing a phone to campus for transportation or safety purposes, then the phone must be checked in at Reception at the start of each school day and then retrieved between 1:45 pm and 3:00 pm.
Students in Grades 11 and 12 - Students are permitted to keep their smartphones on their person. Smartphone use is prohibited in restrooms and is prohibited outside during breaks. Smartphones must remain out of sight and in silent mode during class time unless with prior permission from the supervising teacher.
For more information, please visit https://www.wis.edu.na/byoc-wis