Bring Your Own Laptop Technical Specifications and Smartphone Prohibition Policy
Smartphone Policy
Students in Grades 10 and under - In response to evolving educational research about the negative impact of social media and smartphone use, WIS has a policy that students in these grade levels must leave their phones at home. Smartphones seen on campus will be confiscated from the student and returned only to the parent/guardian. If students require bringing a phone to campus for transportation or safety purposes, then the phone must be checked in at Reception at the start of each school day and then retrieved between 1:45 pm and 3:00 pm.
Students in Grades 11 and 12 - Students are permitted to keep their smartphones on their person. Smartphone use is prohibited in restrooms and is prohibited outside during breaks. Smartphones must remain out of sight and in silent mode during class time unless with prior permission from the supervising teacher.
Bring Your Own Device Policy
Grades 9 and 10: Macbooks are required
As of the 2024-25 school year, Grades 9 and 10 will be required to Bring Your Own Macbook.
We have petitioned the International Baccalaureate to make the MYP eAssessment Chromebook compatible, but the IBO has confirmed that this is not feasible for exam security reasons. This is because the software required for the MYP eAssessment will not function on the Chromebook's browser-based system.
Therefore, students with Chromebooks will not be able to adequately prepare for and take the MYP eAssessment at the end of Grade 10. Moreover, Macbooks have additional functionality that will improve students' ability to create work and document their learning in the MYP ePortfolio that is required for external Grade 10 assessments in the Arts, Design, and Language Acquisition.
Grades 5-8: Chromebooks are recommended, but Macbooks are permitted
As of August in the 2024-25 school year, Grades 5 through Grade 8 will have the option of bringing your own Chromebook or MacBook. We continue to recommend the Chromebook due to its cost and use considerations for Primary and Middle School-aged learners, but families arriving at WIS in Grade 7 or 8 will likely wish to purchase a MacBook so as to avoid having to purchase their child a different laptop within just a few years.
Grades 11 & 12: Optional to have a Macbook or Chromebook
As of the 2024-25 school year, Grades 11 and 12 will have the option of using either a MacBook or a Chromebook. From August 2024, WIS will have the capacity to support both of these types of devices on the WIS network.
Early Years through Grade 4: School-provided iPads (no laptops)
The school utilises school-provided iPads for in-class technology as a tool for learning. No laptop device is required in these grades.
Device requirements specs:
Apple Mac
Mac OS Version 12 or higher
Please ensure the device has received all its updates and has an Apple ID signed in and Find My "Device" is configured
Recommended: M1 or M2 series processor – Very Good battery life
Recommended: Laptop bag/sleeve / hardshell case
Recent model to receive updates (Extensive list)
Minimum 4gb ram
Recommended: 32GB Storage
Recommended: Laptop bag/sleeve / hardshell case