Coming up:
When looking at universities and where our students should apply to, should go or should spend their tertiary education at, we sometimes get too focused on university rankings. When advising students with regards to their planning for further education, I try to emphasise that it is not about the university rank, but about the best fit for the individual person. This is the ultimate factor that should determine where a student applies to and where they eventually attend university. Factors such as finance, climate, academic rigour, distance from home, extracurricular opportunities at the university and many more, have a very important relevance for the final decision of a student.
However, when you look at what universities are ranked for, there is a wealth of information that is considered, that might inform exactly these aspects of a student’s decision.
There are so many different factors that universities are ranked for. We should find those that are most important for us personally - for example finances, extracurriculars, accommodation, acceptance and value of international students and diversity etc.
When making these decisions, families should thoroughly consider all the different aspects to make an informed decision. And university rankings is one such factor that can help young people and their families to get relevant information to make these important decisions.
At WIS, we also aim to give our students and families a multitude of opportunities to explore how they can enter their future education with the right intentions and realistic expectations. It is therefore important for our young people to engage in as many opportunities as possible throughout their high school career.
Discuss plans and thoughts in the family!
Speak with experts about your interested field of study!
Speak with Ms. Reiff about your thoughts, ideas and plans!
Attend university and career fairs!
This is one reason why a wealth of events and opportunities is posted on ManageBac for students to choose what they want to engage in. The earlier and the more our students engage in this process, the more meaningful and intentional the ultimate decision of what they want to do and where they want to go can be made.
I invite all high school students and their parents to utilise the opportunities WIS offers to engage in this process of making these critical decisions for our young people’s futures.
In the coming week, I will be talking about the institutions and courses our Class of 2024 is embarking on. We are quite excited to see that our students do get admitted in Namibia as well as South Africa with the full IB Diploma, but also with IB Courses that match institutions’ profiles.
Maggie Reiff
High School Principal and Career Guidance Counsellor