We are at the end of the first term of this academic year and next Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday during the morning, we have the opportunity to reflect on the start of this school year and look ahead.
For our students, starting a new school year will have different challenges and opportunities. Reflecting on these can be meaningful to determine some goals for the next term as well as discuss what went well and why and what are areas for improvement. The conferences are opportunities for students to take the lead on this process. Student engagement in these conferences is critical for a successful conversation. This can result in active learning approaches by the student. Once we know what our achievements, as well as our challenges, are, we can proactively move towards goals and self-fulfilment. We all strive for success and fulfillment and thrive when we experience these. Having opportunities like next week’s conferences can help to facilitate relationships as well as conversations that can lead to growth and a positive outlook on the next step.
Parents have received the MAPGrowth Family Reports which is an excellent data point to discuss how your child is doing in Mathematics, Reading and Language Usage at this point in time, but more importantly, what they are ready to learn next and how they are projected to grow if there is consistent engagement and effort to grow. Please use these reports as well to discuss your child’s progress and - together with the teacher - discuss ways for growth.
I want to appeal to parents and guardians to make an effort to foster these conversations at home as well as together with the teachers in school to create a path of excellence for our children in the spirit of our WIS Principles:
Margarete Reiff
Secondary Principal