In the past year, four of our Alumni have been working hard to establish an Alumni Association for Windhoek International School. This process has been in the pipeline for a long time, but we could not yet bring it to fruition. We are now ready to launch our WIS Alumni Association.

The value of connections with alumni cannot be understated. Alumni are connections that can be used. They know the school context and are ideally suited to advise and be mentors for our current students. WIS has alumni all over the world and most of them have expressed keen interest in still being connected to WIS. We already have some children of alumni at WIS and Ms. Jacky Ferreira, our Primary School Portuguese teacher is an alumni of WIS.
On International Day - 13 April 2024 - around 16:00 we will be launching our Alumni Association. We will then finalise the constitution and administrative matters of the association. For this we need as many alumni of WIS to actively engage in the process. We request all alumni to have a look at the WIS Alumni Association Constitution Draft and send any comments to Maggie Reiff (mreiff@wis.edu.na) before this constitution is finalised and approved by the WIS Board of Directors. The aim is to have the constitution approved and the WIS Alumni Association formally established by the end of this academic year.
We have a LinkedIn Alumni Group that you should join and contribute to. We also regularly post our alumni stories in the Oryx and on our website. These are great stories to celebrate where our students are going and where life takes them.
If you are an alumni reading this and have not yet submitted the Alumni Questionnaire, please do so. We need you! Your data will help us create a database and connect with you.
Respectfully submitted
Maggie Reiff
Secondary Principal