The Olweus Bullying Prevention Programme training for the Coordination Committee will be delivered on 25th and 26th February by myself. This committee will oversee the implementation and coordination of the programme at WIS. After this training, there will be a wider staff training and then the different components of the programme will start to be rolled out through the different levels of the school.
Over the coming months you will hear more about Olweus and how it is being implemented WIS, both through communications like this and hopefully through what your children are saying. You can read more about the Olweus Programme on their website: See for example the article on ‘Why the Olweus Bullying Prevention Programme works’.
Nurse Susan and myself have started doing Personal Social Health Education (PSHE) classes in the Primary School, starting with a session on safe touch and personal boundaries with the grade 4s last Friday. Parents will be getting notifications about when there will be a session like this delivered in your child’s class.
