Dear Community,
This past Saturday saw 53 flags in our International Day Parade, over 35 booths, 22 performances, thousands of visitors, and 468 students who performed and participated - all converging on our main field in an annual celebration of internationalism and peace.
None of this would have been possible without our over 180 adult volunteers who signed up and showed up for responsibilities either in booths or dance choreography or coordination and selling products.
My thanks to the International Day Parent Planning Committee - Adam, Al-Dylan, Arti, Brandon, Brian, Carol, Cami, Janna, Marcelle, Margarete, Misayo, Pranjala, Sapna, Shandre, Theone, Michelle. And thanks to the massive amount of work, effort, and donations that went into the various grade level booths and performances. We know that it is a lot - and this event is something that is unique to only a few schools in this world.
Each year, we learn how to make this and similar events at WIS better, so keep an eye on your email inbox for a feedback form and a place to share your photos.
Thank you for your support and have a lovely weekend,